“You’ve always had the power, my dear”
Remember how excited the four traveling companions were when they first set eyes on the beautiful, shiny Emerald City? Dorothy, the Tin Man, the Cowardly Lion and Scarecrow all thought it must be the most wonderful, magical place. They couldn’t wait to run to see all it beheld behind the beautiful facade. It was magical from afar. Would it be just as magical up close?
Things are not always what they appear to be

At first glance, beauty and newness can be overwhelming. Remember a time when you were so excited you could hardly wait? The anticipation grew as the day approached. You get what you were waiting for or you finally meet that person who seemed so genuine. And then, it’s kind of a let down.
Like the visitors to Oz, all is not as it seems. The Emerald City was indeed beautiful, but was it magical? Dorothy needed guidance and wisdom. She was after all far from home, she needed to find her way back. What she received instead was a man pretending to have the answers, hiding behind not only a literal curtain, but of what others thought him to be. A great and powerful wizard. Dorothy thought seeing the wizard would solve her problem and she would be sent home. Then she and her traveling companions were given a nearly impossible task.

Though the Emerald City did hold treasures, they were the kind you take with you in a different way.
That horse of a different color? Unique and unusual? An everyday occurance in Oz. That you can be anyone you want: The doorman, taxidriver, wizard and Professor Marvel, all the same person. You don’t have to limit yourself or pretend to be someone you’re not. That true friends stick together, and that we all have inner strength.

Like our friends from Oz found out, it won’t always be easy. You will most likely run into obstacles or people who don’t want you to succeed. They may even go out of their way to cause you to think you can’t do something. Dorothy was almost stopped by fear, by thinking she wasn’t smart enough or too young, to figure it out.
Because Dorothy found strength, courage and flexibility to see beyond what is at face value that enabled her to fight the witch and carry on to push past her comfort zone.

You’ve heard the saying, It’s not the destination, it’s the journey along the way. The road to get there should be just as thrilling. Take time to see all that is around you. Stop and smell the roses, only maybe skip smelling the poppies. Life is about the people you meet and lessons you learn. In trying times, try to remember you are growing through it.

As Dorothy watched her new friends receive a heart, a brain and courage, she realized there wasn’t anything in the wizard’s bag for her. It was at that, she knew these people here in her dream, represented the strength she already possessed. She had to help herself. She knew the real strength and power lie within believing in herself.

As Glinda the Good Witch told her, “You’ve always had the power, my dear”! Drop a comment below of what you learned from this most classic MGM movie or what ways you have found your courage to really be you! How many times have you watched The Wizard of Oz? Was the Emerald City as spectacular as you thought?
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