5 Things you need to stop doing, right now!

Stop these 5 things to improve your life!


5 things we need to Stop doing! Talking bad about yourself. This is the first thing you need to stop doing. This time of year, most people are busy making New Year’s resolutions, but now is an even better time to evaluate why some things didn’t go as planned. We all have a tendency to put ourselves down, or make a light joke at our expense. Do this too often and others will start to treat you that way. Unconsciously, they will think if you don’t value yourself, why should they?

Stop making resolutions, its an excuse to put something off and wait!

How many times have you said “I’ll never lose weight” or it’s too hard. Stop saying that and instead say, I know it’s hard, but if I don’t try, I never will. You will slowly begin to think you can! It Is all in your head!

Stop Being Negative

Stop being and thinking so negative! It takes no more effort to be positive than it does to be negative and you may learn you could do that thing you didn’t think possible after all. When you catch yourself starting to say or think something negative, stop and immediately think how you could change your attitude. We all know the person who gets to work and the first thing they say is “this day is going to suck!” or “This or that sucks”. That is exactly how their day will go! No one likes to be around or work with that person.

Not Good Enough

Stop saying it’s not my job. When you are asked at work to do something or help someone you don’t normally, instead of saying it’s not my job and refusing, why not help out or if you don’t know how, tell them you will find out. You will be a more valuable employee and may even learn something new and break the routine of your day.

“I’m not good enough”! You’re right, with that attitude, you are not! Try for one whole day, not to think or say this. When the feeling comes up that you think you don’t deserve it, say to yourself, “I AM good enough, and I do deserve this”! Bonus, your self image or self-esteem will start to go up!


Trying to be in control all the time! You don’t need to have the last word in every conversation. Most of us like a spirited debate now and then, but not when it turns into an argument. You will find people like to talk to you more, and you will have more meaningful relationships if people are more comfortable around you.


I put off blogging and podcasting fearing it wasn’t going to be good, or seen.

Stop procrastinating. We all put some things off that we don’t really want to do, but that means, worry. We think about it instead of doing it and getting over it. We may even put off something we really do want to do!

Some people procrastinate because they are perfectionists and would rather not do something if they feel they can’t do it right.


Henry Ford, Model T~Henry Ford Collection

Finally, Stop FEAR. You know what fear is, right? It’s False Evidence Appearing Real. *Failure: when we allow a failure to stop us saying things like, “I tried but it didn’t work” What if Henry Ford would have allowed failure to stop him? Or Thomas Edison? We wouldn’t have the horseless carriage or electricity! What others think: Who cares what other people think?! You’re not in high school anymore, and it’s you who have to live your life, not others. Truth is, people are much too busy living and worrying about their own lives to bother much about yours! Okay, so these are 6 things you should stop doing right now! Can you think of more things you need to stop doing in order to have a better life or to put it more positive, what can you do to change? Add in the comments below what you would do.

Trouble Ahead: how to avoid danger

33 minute delay!

Change lanes to avoid unpleasant trouble

Wouldn’t it be nice if life were like a map app? When trouble comes up, we would know where to turn or where to go. Maybe we would stop and turn around. Take a detour or plan accordingly. Life isn’t like that. We don’t always know what’s ahead. We can plan our day, our year or future and plan goals to the detail yet things don’t always go as we hope.

Write down your goals.

Imagine you have a plan for the year, you have a great job lined up, ready to get out of your comfort zone and step into your future! The new impowered you. It took courage and strength you knew you always had, but still struggled with. Everything is lined up and the week of the move, the job falls through. Where is the road map for that? Where is the life manual that tells us what to do or who to turn to when life doesn’t go the way the best laid plans are set to.

Look for the positive

The truth is no amount of planning or detailed process is going to always go as planned. You can plot and outline, but if people are involved, you cannot change another person nor know how they are going to react. Out growing situations, relationships, jobs. Some people handle change well, others not at all well and don’t like it. The problem with this is that everything changes.

Top 5 hit 1971

Signs everywhere

signs everywhere

There are signs everywhere, if we are just open to them. There was even a top 5 hit song in 1971, by Five Man Electric Band called Signs. “Signs, signs, everywhere signs, do this don’t do that, can’t you read the signs”. Some signs aren’t visual, but if you are open, you will know they are there. All around you. Open an email, hear a song, a commercial, a chat with a friend. All pointing you in a certain direction.


It is in the trying, difficult times we learn the most. You can take any situation and learn something from it. If you can spin it negative, you can spin it positive! God will not move us or reveal to us what we should be doing if we can’t handle the little things well. Until we can prove we are worthy of more, we may stay stuck. Face it, most of us would turn and run if we knew how things would play out along the way before we get the big picture. While we may not know how it all works out or how it ends, trust and do your best. See that you can turn it around and by taking small steps each day, you can achieve big things.

Take small steps

What are some of the ways you find to avoid the big roadblocks or small steps you take to reach your goal? Write below in the comments, maybe add a list! Do several small steps. One step at a time.