Why is turning 50 such a big deal?

50 is just a number. Bigger is better! Wouldn’t you rather have 50 dollars then $25?
Look at the list of people whose success in life, love and business happened later in life. Sometimes much later.
Mel Robbins became a TV talk show host, Julia Child became a chef and Jack Cover created Taser, inc all when they were 50. Joy Behar gained prominence at 55 when she became a cohost on the View.

Dixie Carter, Viola Davis, Susan Boyle, Henry Ford and Bea Arthur all rose to fame in their 40’s. As did designer Vera Wang and Martha Stewart and Bert Lahr the Lion in The Wizard of Oz. One of my favorite historical leaders, Susan B. Anthony helps start one of the greatest movements in the country in her forties. It’s just a number!

Ask yourself this question, Is this what I thought it would look like? There isn’t a rule that says you must start and be a great, known success as early in life as possible or you will not be successful. If you believe in your self and your ability, you can do anything! For some, it takes longer. Laura Ingalls Wilder had a lifetime of stories to write when she was first published at 65. Sarah from the New testament, didn’t have a child until she was 90 years old!

Getting Older
Getting older doesn’t mean your life is over or you can’t contribute any longer. Why turning 50 is a good thing: Older does in some cases mean wiser, a new start, a new career. You get more time to learn and grow, and it sure beats the alternative! You don’t have to wait until the kids are older. Having just turned 50 myself and moved to a different state and starting completely over, the future is Unlimited! There are great things to come! It’s never too late to dream!!

When we decide to continue living a life we love long after the kids move out of the house, or the divorce, age doesn’t matter. You are not too young or too old to begin a new direction.