What’s it all about?

The world in general or just this little offbeat corner of it?

Not being normal!

What’s it all about? Well, the world in general is as good or bad as you make it. This personal development site, is about the witty and off~beat, not normal things in life. Why strive to be ‘normal’? Life is too short to worry what other people think, and really, most people are far to busy with their own stuff to worry about yours!

Make your world wonderful! Set out to think you will have a great day and smile at everyone you come in contact with. Nine times out of ten, you will get a smile back and make someone’s day, and that should make yours! If you think you will have a great day, you will! If you think you will have a crappy day, you will!

Be sure to check back to read blogs on all things not normal, make you think or put a smile on your face!

Consider helping fund notgoodatnormal these first few months with a small donation. Thank you. tee@notgoodatnormal.com

Why be ordinary, mediocre, standard or normal? Be unique!