The Power of Positive Thinking
Long before the book and movie The Secret (Rhonda Byrne) came out in 1997, Wallace D. Wattles and James Allen wrote, at the turn of the 20th century, books that told of the power of the mind and how to use it.
As A Man Thinketh by Allen and The Science of Getting Rich by Wattles tell of how, by using your mind, you can create or change your life.

New teachers
Today, there are all sorts of thought teachers and leaders. Some are straight forward and some may be a bit more “out there”, but if you keep an open mind, you are sure to find someone to whom you connect and resonate with. So many speakers, authors, teachers, preachers. Some of my favorites have been Les Brown, Dr. Catherine Ponder, Florence Scovel Shinn(The Game Of Life and How To Play It), Bob Proctor and Louise Hayes. The books and teachings of these and many more live on to reach generations to change their thoughts.

Some motivational speakers try to get you to realize only you can motivate yourself. If you want to change, you are the only one who will do it, and only when you are ready. People like Mel Robbins, Lisa Nichols and Tony Robbins are paid handsomely to try to get you out of your comfort level. All are really saying the same thing, maybe in different ways. You have to hear the same thing or study the same thing over and over, many many times before it become a habit or true for you. Sometimes, hearing the same thing, but said by someone else will trigger you to remember or change. Lisa said when she was working toward her goal as a speaker, she was working a job, but called it funding the dream.
Power to Change
Just as you have the power to decide if you want to get out of bed in the morning, you also have the power to change the trajectory of your life. Why is it that we can tell ourselves once or twice we can’t do something or are not good enough and believe it, yet it takes many, many times telling ourselves yes, we can do it before we believe? Yes, it’s nice to have someone in your corner, someone who has confidence in you, but it’s your choices that ultimately move you into action.
Think back over your own history of the “wins” in your life. The times that you have gotten what you wanted. In order to help speed the process of knowing you can do and create and be anything you want is to feel it. Remember the feeling of getting that new bike or job you wanted. Your wedding day. The feeling is what makes it real. You knew the color you wanted, the style. That feeling of knowing what you want and getting it is what is real. The power of believing in yourself is the most important and powerful in the world.

Confidence grows when you do something you put off, or that you don’t think you can do, but do it anyway. Each time building yourself up. When I feel like I failed, I tell myself that I can do it, I have in the past and will again. Like Lisa Nichols, I am funding my dream by currently working for someone else until I am ready to make it happen.
The Law of Attraction may seem to you like a bunch of mumbo jumbo, voodoo, crazy new age stuff. But when you think about it, God gave us free will, that we may think for ourselves. You can think your way to changing your life. As Napoleon Hill says, what you think about most, you bring about. If you think about lack and poverty, that is what you will see. What dream are you working on? Or what is it that you think you need an extra push on? Who is your favorite speaker or author you enjoy listening to?