Creativity stimulates brain function.
Creativity sets the mind free. Think about all the times your mind wondered. You thought about a new car or how you would want to change or update your bedroom. That is being creative. Anytime you use your imagination even to write a report for work, you are being creative.

“You can’t use up creativity, the more you use, the more you have”~Maya Angelou
Being creative gives you an outlet
If you are feeling stuck or are board, you just have to use your imagination and change your thought patterns. When was the last time you colored or drew a sketch? Had a hobby? Don’t say you don’t have time because we all make time for what we want. Television and now surfing the net and scrolling mindlessly wastes time you could use being creative.
“Creativity is inventing, experienting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes and having fun”~Marylou Cook
Being creative makes you happier. When you are thinking of how to do something, which color or way to start, you are not stressing or letting negativity in.
“The imaginative child will become the imaginative man or woman most apt to create, to invent and therefore to foster civilization”~L. Frank Baum creator of the Wonderful Wizard of Oz book series

If you think you are not the creative type, how did you get the house you wanted or the mate you have? You had to think about it and see it in your mind. Use of imagination is what drives us. Stop and think of planning a fun day. Where would you go, how much money would you spend, who would go with you? That is the creative process at work!

Look at this blog. I wanted to get back to my creative side, a side that I pushed away for a few years thinking I didn’t have time for and wanting to fit in with someone I was seeing. Taking my own advice, Never change for anyone. I needed my creativity back. Back big time! Photography, writing, podcasting, building with wood, now arts with resin (I dabbled in stained glass but that was a one time thing).
“You’ll never be bored when you try something new, there’s really no limit to what you can do”~Dr Seuss
Using a journal, write out what you would want your day to look like tomorrow, or how you would rewrite today if you could. That is one way to get back into the creative spirit. By using our brain in a way that is either new to us, or a way that we haven’t used in a long time, you allow the creativity to flow. Sometimes, you need to give yourself permission to do it. Give yourself a few minutes in the evening or morning if that works better for you. Do this for a week and see how you feel.

Planting a garden takes planning. Imagination starts and action makes it happen. It’s all part of the creative process at work. I am doing custom items and taking orders for Halloween and Christmas.
Visit my new etsy shop at :
I will be adding items to the shop and posting some on the blog, check back for more. Let me know in the comments what ways you are being creative or have started to do different. Have a new hobby or started a website or new business? Add that! Like and share. And go get creative!