What does God have in store for you?
We’ve all heard of the purpose driven life, or find your purpose. What if you already know it, yet you ignore it, or run from it?

Jonah ran, but couldn’t hide. You remember Jonah? In short, God told him to go to Nineveh, but he didn’t want to go so he ran. Each time God asked him to go, he would try to hide. Then, God used a whale to hold him until he was ready to stop running. He then went to talk to the people of Nineveh as was his calling. You can’t hide from God. He gave you a purpose. A reason to be here and the sooner you are obedient, the better your life will be.
Maybe you don’t know it yet, but chances are you do. You already know. The feeling you’ve had, or dream since you were a kid but pushed aside, thinking you couldn’t achieve it or it was unrealistic, or that no one else believed you could do it. Had a feeling you should help people or care for animals, a passion or energy for something? Read to children? Save the whales? Start by joining a field and stream clean up volunteer group.

God never promised us only days with rainbows and butterflies or roses without thorns. As Paul wrote in the Bible, we may be troubled on every side, yet not distressed; perplexed but not in despair. Persecuted but not forsaken. I had to give a speech once for a small church group and started with this prayer. To me, this verse means God doesn’t promise us only good, but in believing, we can get through it, we are not alone and what an amazing testimony we will be able to share!

Back to that dream, you may not know how to go about it, or what to do to get started, but the world is at your fingertips. A simple search will bring you countless ideas and people who have done the very thing you want to do. Maybe life got in the way and you had to get a ‘normal’ job. Pay the bills. Thousand of people are finding new ways to earn a living thanks to the internet. God gave you gifts to share, talent that is individual to you. Because of the internet, you can reach far more people than ever. Make your dreams come true and fulfil your purpose.
ACTS 18:9

I feel like I have been running from God and my purpose for a while now. I finally, late last year, started the blog and website. I have found I have a love of writing. The other parts, podcast, speaking, ministry are in the works. (these are the scarier parts) Like in the Signs blog, God has shown me over and over again, as I run from it each time. While researching a part number the other day, it was AC189xx something, I put that in the search engine, and the only thing that came up was Acts 18:9-10! Several times! “Do not be afraid; keep speaking, do not be silent for I am with you. “
My start

Two days out of high school I went to radio broadcasting school. I was ‘in’ radio for over 11 years. Entertainment was my thing. MC of the variety shows, acting in plays and reading the daily announcements through the PA system. As I got older speaking in church, as PTA president and in work meetings. The last year or so, I have seen more signs and prodding me in the direction I should go. Speak. It’s calling me. You can’t out run Him. He sees you for who you really are and who He made you to be. That saying, no matter where you go, there you are, applies to God. He sees no matter where you go.
Shaken up

I sometimes think God has a snowglobe and he shakes it up from time to time to get our attention. We can be coasting by and all of the sudden we or some aspect of our life gets turned upside down. We can learn from it, grow through it and move on. It’s how we decide to react that we can move on or not move at all.
We all have a story. I’ll share more of mine in coming blog posts, and that oft put off podcast, it launching soon! I can’t put it off any longer! God will not give up on me, and I cannot give up on Him! This is my purpose, my story. To learn by and help others, be positive and witty even entertaining. Maybe make you think, smile or laugh. You don’t need to feel alone.
Live your purpose! This is where you get to write your own story! Be the star of your life! What are you waiting for? Mine is Acts 18:9-10! Share what you feel energy or excitement about. You are loved.