Ways to improve your day!
Start implementing these 5 things in your daily routine to make your day go much smoother.
Number one: Start by believing in yourself! Give yourself permission to believe you can do anything. If you don’t believe in yourself, how is anyone else going to? Every day, imagine how you want your day to go. See yourself succeeding in every action. You are your biggest cheerleader. Don’t let yourself down, there’s enough of that in the world. If you can dream it, you can do it! As Napoleon Hill says “What you think about, you bring about”.

I made a choice to change my work environment and attitude and after a lot of thought and hard work, it paid off, the right people saw what I was capable of and I received a promotion and raise. It Does work!
Write it down

Have a goal? Write it down! Writing down your goals and dreams and having a plan of action, will allow you to know where you want to go and see how far you’ve gotten. You wouldn’t get on a plane without knowing where it’s headed. The pilot has a plan, a map, written instructions and a checklist to go over everyday, before every trip. If I am going to speak it, I am going to live it. Studies show successful people form a habit of written goals or have lists. Pen and paper, old school!
Forgive Yourself
Number three: Forgive yourself. Don’t beat yourself up for things in your past. Things you may have or may not have done. You may not have known better and you are a different person now. This goes back to step one. We don’t believe in ourselves, so we don’t take action. Forgive yourself and move on. Learn from that thing you didn’t take action on, and do it. Tomorrow is a new day!

Live in the now
Live in the present. Now. Be present in every situation. Too many times we are lost in the past and what happened or why. Other times you are thinking about the future and what it will bring. How about just being here now. Enjoy the people around you and what is going on. Enjoy the food you are eating and those around your table. Take time to feel good about yourself and what you have. Put the phone down and talk, make a memory.
Be Happy!
Number five: Be Happy! It’s a choice to feel happy or sad. You chose to be Bitter Betty or Happy Harry. Each day you wake up, feel glad that you did. It’s a blessing! Motivational speaker Les Brown says “There are people in hospital beds praying for another day, another chance, what are you doing with yours?”
Within you lies the power
You have the capacity in your mind to do anything you want, to feel anyway you want. I’ve said it before, and will continue to believe, we can change anything by changing our minds. Learn a new skill or read a book. You are worth at least giving yourself 15 minutes a day. 24 hours in everyone’s day. You can say you don’t have time, but how much television did you watch last week? Be Happy. Love yourself. You know you can start these 5 things right now!
Bonus Content: (video)
Try implementing at least one of these actions in your day. Give it a shot, what have you got to lose? It was hard for me to make videos of myself, but I did. I didn’t stop my self, I believed in me! Let me know in the comments what you focused on or tried for even just one day to belive or change the way you thought about something and how it worked out!
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