A time for every purpose unto heaven
There is a time for everything. A season or reason. In the Bible verse, Ecclesiastes 3 tells us there is a time for everything to happen. A time to reap, a time to sow. A time to be born and a time to die. God has it determined what will happen. These are extraordinary times we are living through. No one knows what will happen or what to do. At this point it is a waiting game.
The best of times or the worst

This could bring out the best in us or the worst. We have already seen how some people fought over toilet paper trying to hoard it. Others not following guidelines set out by public health officials and doing what they want. On the flip side, more people are meeting their neighbors and making sure medical personal have supplies. People can sit and watch television and eat all day and come out of this having gained weight, or go outside and walk, run, bike and play with the kids and be more fit. It’s a mind set. You get to choose what you use this time at home for. It could be a blessing or a curse.
Home School
So many people are complaining about having to homeschool their children. If you are a parent, you are your child’s first teacher. This one really gets me angry. It is not the school’s place nor a teacher’s to show your child basics of living or right and wrong. It’s not that hard to teach counting and reading. When my daughter was two I placed printed words around the house. DOOR on the door. TELEVISION on the TV, ect. She learned how to read, also helped that I read to her often and we didn’t spend hours in front of a screen each day.

Simple math was made fun by using candy. M&M’s work best, but this is what I had when writing and taking pictures. If Jr. has three pieces of candy, and mom eats one, how many will Jr. have left? Fun and rewarding way to add or subtract. I home schooled from 4th grade through 8th, with the munchkin going to public school a few hours a week for the gifted program. It seems it would be much easier now with a lesson plan from the school online.
The Byrds
By now, you may have noticed a few themes run through my blogs. Music and Movies (Oz mostly) how they relate to life, positivity and God. How you can change your mindset and change your life. The folk rock band The Byrds had a number one song in 1966 titled, “Turn, Turn, Turn” based on the bible chapter and verse, Ecclesiastes 3: A time to kill, and time to heal, a time to laugh a time to weep. A time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing. See, now is not the time to embrace.

What will you use this time for? It is a gift, for the most part. Yes, it can be difficult. I worked at a radio station, in promotions. All of the events were canceled, leaving me out of a job. The positive side is I get to see family, to read and write and do research. Drive with the top down and take photos. The things I love to do, but hadn’t had much time to devote to. Will you learn a new craft, or finish a book? Do a DYI project around the house. Plant flowers. Learn a new language. Start a journal so your kids can remember this time. Read the Bible and the rest of Ecclesiastes 3.
Maybe just spend more time with the kids and those you love. From a distance. Be safe and use common sense. Let me know what you are doing or plan to do. There is a time for everything.